Side Piece

“RVA is unique, in many parts of the country there are very few and sometimes no small music venues. Aspiring artists have no place to hone their skills and try to develop a stage presence and music as a whole suffers. Richmond celebrates music, you can find live music here almost every day of the week and people come out to support both the musicians and the venues. As a musician there is nothing better than playing live and developing a kinetic connection with the audience, and as a fan of music it’s great to be able to check out what others are doing.”

-Shannon Walls on why he loves making music in Richmond

“All of us in this band have been making music since we could bang on a pot or hum a tune. I am confident that all of us would be making music in some fashion regardless of where we were located. The thing about Richmond though is that it encourages and enables us to play together and play the music that moves us whether that is covers or originals. There is almost no better feeling than seeing someone in the crowd sing along to a song you wrote and knowing that they sacrificed their time to come and see you play. I love that about Richmond.”

-Shannon Walls on what he loves about the Richmond music scene


This band was literally formed by a group of friends that all had a shared dream of playing live music for the masses.  Each of them having full time jobs, families, community commitments, and other engagements. There was only one option, to do it “on the side” and with that, Side Piece was born!  

Within weeks of agreeing to give it a shot, the first gigs were booked. The response was overwhelming, and the popularity continues to grow. This isn’t just a cover band. The songs performed are songs you know, but done in a way you’ve never heard before. Each song is done with its own style and performed with enthusiasm!

Music for everyone is the genre they play. You will likely hear classic rock and country, but also hip-hop and funk! There is no real way to tell you what to expect when Side Piece performs, you just have to be there and experience it for yourself!

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Booking: [email protected]