Monkey Fist

Music Made Here Monkey Fist

“First off, there are so many fantastic venues of all sorts to play. From small pubs, to breweries, wineries, large clubs and various large outdoor venues. There really is a venue and a platform for all different types of artists and bands. Secondly, just the loyalty and support of the local music fans in the area. The people that come out to shows and choose to spend their money to come see a local band or artist and give us all a platform to perform. None of this happens without them and their support!”

-Jim Burdette on why he loves making music in Richmond

Monkey Fist Richmond

“I grew up in Richmond and started following the local music scene when I was a teenager.  I have seen it evolve and change over the years, and watched some bands from the area win Grammy’s. I started out playing for just my family and friends and now I am blessed to play for my family, my friends, and my friends that have become family.  I have been blessed to play with a ton of really talented musicians and I get paid to have a great time playing music with my friends and for my friends, some I have known since middle school.  What is there not to love about that?”

-Sean Mullins on why he loves making music in Richmond

Richmond Virginia

“For me, it is the music community itself. I’ve had the opportunity to play music in other cities, and it’s just different here. In other cities I’ve played, it’s much more cutthroat, backstabbing and competitive amongst bands. In Richmond, it just seems like it is so much more of a community where all the bands support each other, go to each others shows, fill in for other bands if needed, etc. There are so many amazing musicians in this area. A lot of us hang out or message one another and talk music and gear and all sorts of band related things and just wish the best for one another. There are so many fantastic bands in this area and each has their own thing that makes them unique and special. It really is such a refreshing change from other cities and a community where it seems a rising tide really does raise all ships and benefits the entire scene. It has been a blessing to be a part of.”

-Jim Burdette on what he loves about the Richmond music scene.

Monkey Fist

“Diversity and solidarity.  We have a wide range of musical styles and tastes, but for the most part every musician I have met has been amazing, humble, and down to earth.”

-Sean Mullins on what he loves about the Richmond music scene

About Monkey Fist

band members

Sean Mullins- Guitar

Jim Burdette- Guitar

Earl Smith- Vocals

John ‘Chris’ Eagle- Guitar

Kevin Linton- Drums

Social Links

Inquiries: [email protected]